By joining the BSEM as a Full Member or Associate you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Access to a vibrant and growing community of like-minded health professionals!
  • Discounted attendance at Conferences and Scientific Meetings, with incomparable CPD in this field of healthcare at a fraction of the cost of similar training available elsewhere in the world
  • Access to our Online Foundation Course
  • Discounted access to our Practical Training Days, held in a central London location and usually online
  • Opportunity for Dual Membership with the General Naturopathic Council (see video below at a reduced rate (offering regulatory advice and mediation, access to comprehensive herb drug nutrient database and networking opportunities amongst multi-dimensional practices)
  • Support from our Telegram group for new members
  • Access to past resources from all historical Training days
  • Access to our Supervision Groups and guidance on sitting-in-facilities with other established BSEM members
  • On completion of the training course members details will be added to the Practitioners List on this website
  • BSEM offers a variety of services to members regarding the practical aspects of how to set up private practice in Ecological Medicine or help with questions regarding appraisal and revalidation in private practice
  • BSEM offers that members are able to list their publications on the website under Members Publications

Full and Scientific Members are further able to:

  • Access the members section of the BSEM website to share audit and actively take part in research and publications (subject to completion of the members section). We are very sorry, some parts of the members only section are not finished yet
  • Participate and vote in AGMs and determine the path of the society and the future of Ecological Medicine here in the UK

BSEM Members can also become members of the GNC

Please watch the video interview below which gives you more information about the GNC (General Naturopathic Council) and benefits of GNC membership. 

Postal Address: C/O BSEM Secretary, Dr F Meuschel, British Society for Ecological Medicine, BSEM Administration, Redhill Chambers, 2d High Street, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1RJ Tel: 07864 637723. Email: [email protected]. Registered Charity No. 326372.
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