As a public service, we provide a list of practitioners who have completed BSEM training and include their specialisms.


The practitioners who have completed BSEM training come from different backgrounds and specialties e.g. GPs, consultants or practitioners like osteopaths or nutritionists etc.. Whilst the completion of the BSEM training program requires a comprehensive knowledge of the principles of Ecological Medicine, listing on our website is not equivalent to any form of professional accreditation. Choosing a practitioner from this website does not substitute for a thorough investigation into the practitioner's registration, education, expertise and background.

BSEM is in no way responsible for any unsatisfactory outcome of care you experience as a result of contacting anyone listed on this database. By using this section you agree that you have read, understood and accept this disclaimer. You do not and will not hold the BSEM responsible in any way for any information provided regarding the practitioners listed on this database nor for any unsatisfactory outcome of contacting any of those practitioners. 

Dr Antony Ashe

MBBS (Specialised, personal approach to Integrative Medicine).

The Green Practice, 3 Silk Mill Studios, 2 Charlton Road, Tetbury, GL8 8DY
Tel. +44 (0) 1666 502993    +44(0) 7765 193879
Email: agrashe
BSEM Training Level: Advanced - Member since 2000

Dr Michael Cannell


AMFCP (London)
PGDipNutrMed(Univ Surrey

Aberfoyle House, Stapley Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire. AL3 5EP
Tel. 07801 557923
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Foundation Course 2018 - Member since 2015

Lara Cawthra

(Family Chiropractor)

Hands on Health, 23 Kingsley Ave, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 2NA
Tel. 01276501777
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Foundation Course 2015 (ACNEM - AUS) - Member since 2019

Dr Damien Downing

MBBS MRSB (Special interest in Phospholipid Therapy and Photobiomodulation)

The Hale Clinic, 4 Harley Street, London W1G 9PB
Tel. 07718 483484
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, Founder member since 1983

Dr Apelles Econs

MRCS LRCP (Clinical Allergist)

The Burghwood Clinic, 31 High Street (The Star), Ewell, Surrey KT17 1SA
Tel: +44 (0)173 7361177
Also consulting in Leeds, London & Oxford

Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training Level: Advanced, member since 1988

Dr Jenny Judge


1 Orchard Street, London W1H 6HJ

Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training Level: Foundation Course 2021 - member since 2021

Dr Peter Latchman 


The Burghwood Clinic, 34 Brighton Road, Banstead SM7 1BS
Tel: 01737361177
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level:  Foundation Course 2018, member since 2015

Dr Ayiesha Malik

MBChB LFHom PG Certificate: Personalised nutrition
(GP and homeopath with a specialised interest in mental health and chronic pain)

Practice address: Online consultations
BSEM Training level: Foundation, member since 2022

Dr Franziska Meuschel


9 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6HP 

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07946 5520649 PA Daksha Rajput
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since 2005

Dr Ekatarina Mishanina

MBBS BSc MFHom (Special interest in Skin health)

106 Stockbridge Road, Winchester SO22 6RL
Tel: 01962 856310

Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Completed Foundation Course 2018; member since 2017

Dr Jean Anne Monro

MBBS, LRCP, MRCS, FAAEM, DIBEM, MRSB (Environmental Naturopath)

Breakspear Medical, Hertfordshire House, Wood Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 4FD
Tel: 01442 261333 (PA Sarah How)
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since > 2000

Emma Moorby

ND NT DipCNM (Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist)

Natural Kitchen Clinic, 41 Campbell Road, Oxford, OX4 3PF
Tel: 0785 750 3751
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Foundation, member since October 2019.

Dr John Moran

MBBS LDS RCS DFFP MSc Nutritional Medicine

19 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8GE
Tel: 0207 631111 (PA/practice manager Susanne Ingram)
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since 2011

Margaret Moss

MA UCTD DipION CBiol MSB  (Nutritional Therapist)

11 Mauldeth Close, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 3NP
Tel: 0161 432 0964
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since > 2000

Dr Sarah Myhill

MBBS (Naturopathic Physician)

Upper Weston, Llangunllo, Knighton, Powys LD7 1SL
Tel: 01547 550331
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since > 2000

Dr David Owen

(Physician for Integrated Medicine)

106 Stockbridge Road, Winchester SO22 6RL
Tel: 01962 856310
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since 2008

Dr Jayanth Peddi


Serenity Health and Wellness
Devonshire House, Devonshire Ave, Roundhay, Leeds LS8 1AY

Tel: 0113 452 920
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Foundation, member since May 2017

Dr Julia Piper

(Naturopathic Practitioner)

Knighton Grange Road, Stoneygate, Leicester LE2 2LF
Tel: 0116 270 0373
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since 2010

Dr Jessica Robinson

MBBS, MRCPsych, MFHom 
Specialist in Integrative Medicine

Email:   [email protected]
Telephone: 07900 625 408
Consulting: Online or in-person at Health House, The Village Works, London Road, East Hoathly, Lewes, BN8 6QA
BSEM Foundation Training 2022, member since 2018

Dr Rajendra Sharma

MB, BCh, BAO, LRCP&S (Ire,) MFHom (Physician)

Consulting at:
The Hale Clinic, 4 Harley Street, Marylebone, London W1G 9PB
Holmedale Health, 34 Denmark Rd, Exeter EX1 1SE
Correspondence to: 87 North Rd, Poole, Dorset BH14 0LT
Tel: 01202 744747
Email: [email protected]

BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since 2005

Dr Jerry Thompson

(Retired GP and holistic Doctor)

Jerry has retired and no longer consulting, but his website offers a wealth of information on a variety of conditions.
Email: [email protected]
BSEM Training level: Advanced, member since 2000

Postal Address: C/O BSEM Secretary, Dr F Meuschel, British Society for Ecological Medicine, BSEM Administration, Redhill Chambers, 2d High Street, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1RJ Tel: 07864 637723. Email: [email protected]. Registered Charity No. 326372.
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