Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Inc (ACNEM)
ACNEM is a non-profit medical college established in 1982, offering postgraduate training and education in nutritional and environmental medicine for doctors and other graduate healthcare professionals. ACNEM offers individual learning modules, both online and face-to-face, and a more formal education pathway providing practitioners with an option to undertake structured training to gain ACNEM Certification and Fellowship.
[email protected]

Alborada Foundation
The Alborada Foundation, based in Spain, is dedicated to helping sick people by the use of Environmental Medicine. We work towards less toxic and fragrance-free work places, thus improving the wellbeing of people who suffer from Chemical Sensitivity. Our activities, focused on education and health, try to spread knowledge and understanding through the whole society, from children to physicians or politicians.
[email protected]

Alliance for Natural Health International
An internationally active non-governmental organisation promoting natural and sustainable approaches to healthcare worldwide. ANH-Intl campaigns across a wide range of fields, including for freedom of choice and the use of micronutrients and herbal products in healthcare.
[email protected]

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)
The AAEM was founded in 1965 as a non-profit medical association. The AAEM is an international association of physicians and scientists who study and treat the effects of the environment on human health. With a membership of highly trained physicians and clinicians AAEM is committed to education, public awareness and research regarding Environmental Medicine.
[email protected]

The British Acupuncture Council
Degree-level trained practitioners accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. To search for one of its 3,000 members go to.
[email protected]

The British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT)
BANTs mission is to act as a professional body for nutritional therapy practitioners and those working in the wider application of nutritional science; to promote high standards of education, training practice and integrity in the nutrition profession; to pomote the application of nutrition science for optimum health, disease prevention and patient care; and to work toward the goal of having nutritional therapy available to all on the National Health Service.
[email protected]

The British Society for Integrative Oncology (BSIO)
The leading professional organisation for integrative oncology in the UK. Their goal is to promote the integration of orthodox and complementary medicine to improve the lives of people affected by cancer. For professionals, the BSIO facilitates communication, provides resources for education, and disseminates research and evidence to promote holistic care. For people affected by cancer, BSIO provides links to resources for support and information.
[email protected]

British Society for Mercury Free Dentistry
The British Society for Mercury Free Dentistry promotes the practice of dentistry, free of the use of amalgam. We also encourage a holistic approach to dental care considering the role of general health in the delivery of these services. A list of current members can be found on our website.
[email protected]

The Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (CONEM)
It researches and disseminates information on the interactions of both nutritional and environmental factors with human physiology, biochemistry, pathology and anatomy and the clinical application of these interactions in the pursuit of good health and the prevention and treatment of disease. This involves an approach to medial care that emphasizes the study of all aspects of a person's health including physical, psychological, social, economic and cultural factors.

Electrosensitivity UK
Aims to provide unbiased and balanced information to help those affected by mobile or cordless phones, their masts, wifi or other sources of electromagnetic radiation. They work towards the recognition of electrosensitivity by the general population and the medical profession and seek to find the best ways of ameliorating the condition.
[email protected]

The FoodsMatter sites are a major on-line resource for food allergy and intolerance, their many associated health problems and the 'freefrom' products developed to help sufferers.
[email protected]
International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology (IBCMT)
IBCMT is the International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology established in 1994 as IBCT.
[email protected]

The Informed Parent
The organisation was set up to counter frustration and isolation experienced by parents in their efforts to seek information about immunisation, following uncertainty about its safety and effectiveness. The mission is to promote awareness and understanding about vaccinations in order to preserve the freedom of an informed choice, to inform parents ond others of the relevant information about vaccination, including its alternatives, and to provide an nationwide support network.
[email protected]

The International Research Group for Applied Preventive Medicine (I-GAP)
Supports as a non profit organisation the development of scientific standards for research, diagnostics, prevention and therapy and offers academic networking on an international basis including education and the exchange of scientific data. Members can take part in part time postgraduate educational programs of preventive medicine and public health in affiliation with different European universities leading to different academic degrees.
[email protected]

McCarrison Society (Scotland)
The aims of the society are to assemble scientific knowledge on nutrition and health that is free from economic and political pressures with the object of securing the physical and mental health of future generations, to work to promote health by advocating sound nutrition according to the teaching of the late Sir Robert McCarrison.

The Charity for Environmental Illness offers information and support for anyone affected by chemical, food or electro-sensitivities worldwide, supplying a magazine and support group with information by email or post on chlorine-free paper.
[email protected]

MELISA Diagnostics is dedicated to the science and research of metal hypersensitivity and its diagnosis when treating chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME), multiple sclerosis (MS), or other autoimmune allergic diseases.
[email protected]

Mercury Madness
As a result of personal experience with mercury-induced ill-health this patient support group was set up to offer advice and guidance for health problems related to mercury sensitivity/toxicity.
[email protected]

PANS PANDAS UK are a registered charity. We support families and adults who access the charity for guidance relating to paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcus and paediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome. Both conditions present commonly with neuropsychiatric symptoms but have an organic aetiology. Navigating the system can be challenging and as such our mission is to ensure that these conditions are known in every GP surgery, every hospital and school so that every child can receive an early diagnosis and effective treatment.
[email protected]

Thyroid UK
Provides information and resources to promote effective diagnosis and appropriate treatment for people with thyroid disease and related disorders in the UK.
[email protected]

The Weston A Price Foundation
Their mission is to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr Weston Price whose studies showed that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats. The foundation supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective.
[email protected]